
The Gurlzz

Pre-form C Class

Pre-form B Class

Pre-form A Class

These photos were taken today of the three pre-form classes. Altogether, 78 girls! I have finally memorized all of their names, but it has taken me nearly two months to do so! We enjoy their personalities, but it is hard work for sure. So much energy to put out and take in. And there are discouraging moments too. For example, Tony spent a solid week with one group going over and over how to say numbers in English and how to write expanded forms. He then gave a test and the results were not good. Bummer for everyone involved. As for me, I gave a test which asked for a list of English parts of speech, and one girl wrote "ouch" as a part of speech. Sigh. But overall, it is rewarding to be with these girls who are so loving, warm, funny, charming, and at times downright hilarious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The three pictures look identical to me! The pictures are a bit dark, of course, but I do not have the skill to distinguish one from the other. My bad, as Izzy would say. All that they are learning is so foreign to their whole way of life up until now, that just to get them acclimated to a school room is probably about all you can hope for! Have they had previous experience with schools as such? Soldier on! (Probably a poor choice of words, what with the world in the condition it is in!) We are looking forward to your return so that we can see more pictures and learn all the details of your stay! love, mom